Aniversario Numero Uno

As the rest of the world celebrated Harry Potter's (20??) birthday, Bjorn and I commemorated being married for one whole year.  I feel old having reached this point, though I'm not sure if I have any right to be.  I know we have many more anniversaries to come- and I'm already excited for them.

Bjorn planned this weekend for us.  We stayed at the Anniversary Inn in Salt Lake.  Our room was an immaculate forest woodland, complete rose petals and a waterfall- amazing!  The next day we enjoyed wandering around the Farmers Market and the Gateway, with lunch at the PIE pizzeria afterwards.  We're getting to know downtown SLC!  (even in the high peak of summer's heat) 

A couple thoughts on marriage (while we're on the subject):

Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate.  ~Barnett R. Brickner

The bonds of matrimony are like any other bonds - they mature slowly.  ~Peter De Vries

A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity.  The order varies for any given year.  ~Paul Sweeney

Marriage is the foundry for social order, the fountain of virtue, and the foundation for eternal exaltation.   ~Elder Russell M. Nelson

We are so grateful to be eternally sealed.  It seems almost insignificant, to celebrate one year, because we know we will always be together- so what if one year has passed already.  But it has been quite the special year.  We have come to know and understand each other and what it really means to be married.  We look forward to the adventures ahead.