I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend

Three years and counting!   To celebrate our anniversary we headed down to Cedar City, Utah, home of the Utah Shakespaereran festival.

The three hour drive was made easier on my pregnant body by stopping at Cove Fort on the way down (a fun pit-stop, I hadn't been there in years)

We saw Les Miserables and Merry Wives of Windsor. Both were incredible.  We tried to pick a favorite but it is so hard to compare the two.   They are in very different categories.  Les Mis has powerful, emotional music (did you know it is technically an opera?)  and Merry Wives is full of hillarious quips and delightful costumes.

We also ejoyed the greenshow, apple tarts, Milt's steakhouse, the cold hotel pool (well, Bjorn enjoyed this part) and watching the olympics.  We found the "Homestead Frontier" museum (or something like that) and saw lots of old stuff and learned cool random facts about past pioneer life in Cedar City.

random petting zoo at a gas station in the middle of no where

cove fort 

lunch at a happy sandwich place 

inside the stagecoach 

the first "carry things through snow"-er  (skiers included) 

37 weeks prego! having fun with my shadow
I love the relaxation that comes with our "getaways", especially knowing this one is the last for a while.  Coming back to reality is always difficult.  Most of all, I am grateful to have my wonderful husband to go through all of it with me.

Warriors of Light

Yes, I spent four days at Girls camp 35 weeks pregnant. Yes, it was hot. Yes, I was exausted.  And Yes, I enjoyed it.

Being the assistant camp director was a lot more work than I had anticipated! But I loved staying busy all summer and planning fun crafts and menus and activites, reminiscing on my girls camp days, and getting to know the girls. We had twenty-eight 12-18 year olds, 5 YW leaders, and 2 Priesthood leaders at camp all week.   Camp was a semi-secluded cabin on Bear Lake with a field for the girls tents, bathrooms for everyone, a bed for me, and a garage for eating, cooking, and crafts.  A different experience, but hey- different is good.  If there is one thing I have learned about girls camp it is that no year is ever the same!  There is no such thing as a "normal" girls camp.  

the warriors of light 

The final casualty report:

The injuries:  many minor sunburns, a couple bug bites, creating a dry dressing for an old dog bite, nothing this "camp nurse" couldn't handle.  After our day at the lake as we leaders were doing tuck-ins most of the tents were asleep (spending 8 hours at the lake worse the girls out!) and the one with 12 girls in it had half the crew awake. As we started to talk about the day we realized that more than loving conversation their sunburns needed tending too.  We passed around water, ibuprofen, tylenol, dinner rolls, and cool rags (met with relief) until the majority fell asleep.

The spoils: spending a whole day at bear lake was a definite highlight.   We were certified beach bums!  With the water trampoline and powerboat and water weenie, the girls had a blast!  Leaders too.  I enjoyed the boat but didn't think baby would take to kindly to a water weenie adventure at this point.

The splendor:  My favorite spiritual moment was our "sunrise devotional".  Waking the girls up at 5:45 is not easy, but led perfectly into my part of the schpiel:  ARIS-ing (as in "arise and shine forth" ) is not always easy.  Most girls said they had never watched a sunrise before.  I admit it had been a while for me as well. What a peaceful way to enjoy nature.   If you have not watched a sunrise this summer- get on it!

The hurdle(s):  1) no open fires allowed. period.  uh-oh.  we improvised.  2) tent drama.  We might have overlooked the fact that girls' stuff takes up just as much as girls themsevles.  Needless to say, a good soul volunteered to take a solitary tent.  Don't worry, it worked out.  really.

"Skittles- taste the values"  (leaders "commercial" skit)
The triumph:  tin can lanterns turned into a success! I somehow got put in charge of this craft... having never done it myself I had B help me make a quick one before going to camp so I could show the girls the idea. I needn't worry.  Once glancing at the prototype their ideas took flight. They decorated the cans with scrapbook paper, feathers, ribbon, jewels, etc.  Getting a little more excited for that part than actually punching holes (which is a lot of work).  On the last "fireside" (3 electric lanterns sitting on tubs)  The leaders went around the circle of camp chairs and lit each lantern one by one... it was pretty cool.

morning roll call and devotional 
an early morning breakfast crew (8:00 really isn't THAT early- but it sure felt like it) 

the craft-master station

beachin' it on Bear Lake 

"Arise and Shine, I'm defying gravity..."  (the leaders skit) 
the hikers. No, I am not in this group.  Teddy and I took a well deserved nap 
The goofs:  when all the first years fell asleep during testimony meeting.  seriously. I've never had that happen before.  I was belly laughing internally...  Especially when an older girl was talking about them (kindly) in her testimony and mentioned "well I hope they dream about this".  Like I said, we wore them out.

The prize:  friendships!  Between the girls AND the leaders, I'm glad I had the chance to get to know these amazing women I work with better.  And of course- strengthened testimonies.

top 12 reasons we decided to have a kid

I wrote this a while ago and found it in my scripture case this week.  It still cracked me up a bit so I thought I'd share:

Reason #1-  Disneyland is infinitely more fun with children

#2- We have 3 bedrooms in our new house, and there are only 2 of us.

#3- I've been taking care of kids and wanting my own since I was 10.  Literally.  Probably even before that.  Also, I get lots of practice taking care of 2-3 kids at a time at work all day every day, so I figure I can handle at least that many.... someday.

#4-  Bjorn and I are really good at painting and just want more opportunities to paint more of our house

#5- Having an excuse to eat all the time (whilst prego) is a wonderful thing

#6- I've baby-sat Clawson cousing for hundreds of hours and figure at least one of them will be looking for a chance to repay me....

#7- Bjorn is DETERMINED to carry on Graham genes by having a boy

#8- We're close to running out of FHE ideas for 2 people

#9- I like to name things.  And having a baby is a perfect opportunity to pick THREE names.

#10- Family reunions are infinitely more fun with babies around

#11- Our friends' kids could always use more playmates

#12- I'm dying to do 5 loads of laundry a day