Gabriel is growing into quite the toddler! He crawls effortelessly around the house, anywhere he wants to go including up and down stairs (we finally just took down our makeshift baby gate as he would fling himself over it anyway) and out onto the front or back porch if the doors are left open. He doesn't ususally stray too far though- as he likes to be near his mama.
He smiles and laughs all day long. He loves to play peek-a-boo, and to chase and be chased. He really likes Dad's RC car now- he follow it around and then catches it and lifts it up by the antennae like a trophy fish. He will sit on my lap and let me read books to him if they are entertaining "lift the flap" books which he gets to participate in". Otherwise he is moving. On the ground, or cruising around furniture, couches, chairs, beds, toilets. He learned the flush the toilet yesterday and was very proud of himself. He also learned to turn on the bathroom faucets. If I set him in the sink he'll pull and tug at the handles again and again, while water drips all over him. He could have stayed and played for an hour- but we compromised on 20 minutes.
He is good in his stroller and usually falls asleep if I am just going for a run. He doesn't like to run through sprinklers in it though- woops.
He is eating all sorts of big boy stuff: he loves yogurt and thinks cheese is okay. He tried scrambled eggs and wasn't a fan. He likes crackers, noodles, cooked veggies, oatmeal, cream of wheat, rice, and of course cookies. He helped me make applesauce chocolate chip cookies the other day and was a supreme taste tester. The mixer fascinated him.
About 3 weeks ago he started sleeping through the night- just like that! On his own. He has been doing it about 5-6 nights a week now and I couldn't be much happier.

crazy hair profile |
love this cheese smile! |
nice hat! It matches! Too bad this kid can't keep white things white- otherwise he'd get to wear it more... |
I put my hands up in the air sometimes |
through the garden gate |
first Baseball game at the BEES |
helping with laundry
Height: 30 inches (I believe this is off a bit, as he was 29 inches at 6 months.... or both of them may be off, and coming from someone who measures infants heights frequently, it is not an easy thing to do and may easily be off a couple inches. just sayin')
Weight: 20.5 pounds
favorite person: mommy
second favorite person: Daddy
third favorite person: Auntie M.
words: none, but he babbles with lots of consonants
sign langage skills: none that he has shown us yet, but he sure seems to understand a lot more
favorite book: Peek-A-Boo Farm
favorite playmate: any kid older than him. Preferably around age 2
best at getting into:....the dishwasher (when I am loading or unloading) or knocking the broom off the wall in laundry room
ninja skills: climbing over fabric baby gate, sliding down stairs backward (record speed), bursting into tears seemingly on demand, flipping onto stomach whenever laid down for diaper change, and getting mom to make several food items each meal to find one I want to eat today.....