Birth Story of Baby A

The day of my baby’s due date came and went. It was a Tuesday, and I had absolutely no signs of contractions.   Since my mom was in town for the supposed baby’s birth, Bjorn and I were able to go out for a final date night. We saw Intersteller at the movie theater. I felt kind of sick to my stomach and knew that could be a sign of pre-labor, but Bjorn felt sick as well so it was more likely something we both ate.  We went to bed that night a little disappointed.  We both had to work the next day and our doula/friend was going out of town for Thanksgiving. Things were not going as planned.   Happily, baby A heard our pleas and decided to join our family Wednesday morning.  I woke up around  3:30 in the morning with what felt like normal pregnancy discomfort. I wasn’t able to go back to sleep and finally woke Bjorn up at 4 am.  He was excited I was having contractions, but to me they still didn’t feel “real”.  It didn’t feel like when I was in labor with Gabriel, so I didn’t believe it.  We ate breakfast, showered, and watched The Office. Bjorn finally convinced me to call in sick to work and I began to believe we were having a baby TODAY.  By 6 am my mom woke up (Gabe slept through everything) and I could definitely admit I was in labor. I was having strong contractions, but they were manageable.   We called the midwife and decided to head to the hospital.  By the time we had finished packing our hospital bag it was 6:45 and I was kind of starting to struggle. I was very much looking forward to the nice labor tub of warm water the hospital would set up for me.   Before leaving the house, my mom, Bjorn, and I knelt and said a prayer for everyone’s health and safety as we prepared for the eminent arrival of baby A.   It was a sweet, calm moment I hope to never forget. 

The car ride to the hospital was the worst part. I think I must have been going through the transition phase.  I was so uncomfortable and the contractions were very painful. I wanted to die. Bjorn was driving through red lights and speeding up to 100 mph on the freeway…. We made it to the hospital in record time. Friend/doula Megan met us at the hospital entrance and helped me inside while Bjorn parked.  It was wonderful timing on her part.  I tried to “check in”  but starting having strong contractions instead, so I was directed to a room. The nurse Laura started the patient check in procedure and tried waiting while I had contractions close together. She asked me to put on a gown and monitors… after the next contraction (she was trying to be patient).  I finally told her- “they’re not stopping!”  The super strong contractions were only seconds apart.  I kept trying different yoga positions to get comfortable and breathe deeply.  All of a sudden I felt a big gush and could feel my baby’s head pushing on my pelvis.  Nurse Laura checked me and sure enough it was the head- ready to come out. Bjorn and Megan were both great and supportive and helpful and everyone stayed calm and told me I was doing a great job.  Nurse Laura called for some help when I said “I have to push!” The sensation was overwhelming; I had to push this thing out of me!! And I knew once I did it wouldn’t hurt anymore. That was great motivation.  To my surprise everyone said “ok!”  and so  I did.  With four pushes Baby A came out and nurse Laura caught him and placed him on my chest. I was so relieved it was all over (so I thought) and so happy he was so healthy. He was beautiful to me, already. Even with newborn yuckiness all over him.  Bjorn was impressed with me, mostly. And Megan handed me a chocolate protein shake.  Very thoughtful of her and much appreciated.  A bunch of doctors and nurses then arrived and helped clean everything up and give me a couple stitches.  A few minutes later someone noticed the baby was having trouble breathing so they tried whisking him to the newborn crib in the room.  To everyone’s surprise, he was still attached to me! No one had thought to cut the umbilical cord yet (there was a LOT going on).  Some nurse and somebody else hurried and grabbed scissors and tied and cut it, then sucked out Aidric’s nose and mouth. (I think he just came out so fast he didn’t have time to have all the gunk squeezed out of his lungs as he would if he came out slowly like is supposed to happen).  They handed him back to me and put a blanket over us and all was well.   I just sat in awe for several minutes.  Being stitched up without anesthesia was no fun, luckily it was a small tear.  Eventually we traveled up to our recovery room.  I was on an adrenaline high and wide awake and hungry. They had food for me, and cold packs and heat packs and everything I needed and wanted.  It was great being pampered.  Bjorn and Megan kept congratulating me as I held our perfect (though nameless) newborn, marveling once again at the miracle of life. 


Gabriel says some of the funniest things lately! I am trying to record as many my prego brain can muster right now:

* Try again:  anytime something doesn't go right he says this. I love his optimism!  Sometimes it's "trying again mommy" when I can't find a parking spot, or "try again Gabriel" when he is throwing a ball across the room.

* Play Hide Seek:  whenevever I am looking for something and ask Gabe where it is he immediately responds "playhideseek".  Obviously the toy/tool/hair accessory/person is playing a game with me.

*Sounds Good:  He just started saying this to me. I think I must say it a lot.  He'll tell a story or sentence or listen to me say something and end with "soundgood"

*Dada fix it: In Gabe's mind Dada can fix ANYTHING.  When toys break, tools break, grocery bags break, fabric gets a rip or hole in it, he tells me dada fix it. And usually adds "when dada home from work"

*Mommy play with babies:  Bjorn taught Gabe that all I do at work is play with babies.  When am I at work he tells Bjorn "mommy play babies".    When I am putting on my scrubs for a night shift and he sees me he gets upset and says  "No Mommy play babies!" It makes it so hard to leave!

* fish crackers:  We really are good (in my opinion) about not watching much TV in our house. Bjorn and I don't even really watch TV.  So this is Gabe's only quote from a TV show.  He is fascinated and in love with Curious George.  There is a minor character on the show who every once in a while is given fish crackers and says "Fish Crackers!  Oooh  Ooooh Ooooh!".  One day I was I was talking about goldfish crackers and Gabriel piped up "oooooh  oooh ooooh".  Too funny. Now we say "fish crackers"  just to get him to say the rest.

* make mess: When he is by himself in another room and I ask him what he is doing he almost always quickly responds with:  "make mess".  At least he's honest.   Not sure if he understands exactly what it all means. But he knows he does it a lot.

*right behind you. When he is following me somewhere, or he wants me to follow him, this is his phrase.

* kiss all better.   Every bump or owie needs to be kissed by mom, right in the same spot it got hurt.

*take nap:  when he is sad about something  (toy taken, can't have ice cream, etc.) we ask him what is wrong and he says "take nap".  sometimes he will even put a pillow and blanket on the couch. He seems to know that naps make everything feel better!