I had a darling surgical patient the other day, a one year boy with Down Syndrome. He woke up from his surgery without much pain and was a joy to take care of. His mom was very attentive to him and his needs. She had been waking up during the night for MONTHS to feed him his formula through a tube, (this surgery helped to fix that). I was impressed by her love, care, and genuine concern (as I am with most parents I meet).
This little one had mastered a few "skills" (besides looking so dang cute). He could give hi-fives when someone said "give me five", he could say mama and dada, though he couldn't even sit up on his own. I walked into the room a while after his admission to discuss his feeding plan for the night. I told his mom, "the order says eat at five, so at five o'clock we'll start the clears..." I looked down in the crib and this little boy had his hand up to give me five! He had heard the word and was eagerly awaiting.
Abi's Birthday Party and Birthday - She's 8!!!
8 years ago
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