Around moving time, many thoughts, expectations, promises, and hopes arose. Here is an accounting of what I thought would happend, and which of these ideas actually did come true.
There will be less dishes in the sink, dishes will get done a lot faster and sooner, now that we have a dishwasher. FICTION
If anything goes wrong with the plumbing or elelctricty or other construction attributes of the house my amazing hubby will fix it. FACT.
I will love sweeping our wood kitchen floor with my new Lysol super swiffer broom/mop and make them sparkling clean. FICTION. (it doens't work as well as I had hoped, but it is fun to use- light and airy)
I will finally get organize and condense my boxes of junk from college. FACT (it was grand. They are all nicely labeled in the garage, and the camping tubs are all nicely labeled in the shed. *sigh of happiness*)
I will be able to sleep better after a night shift in our new home, where the bedroom doesn't share a wall with the kitchen..... TO BE DETERMINED
I will get a wreath for our door just in time for Christmas and love it. FACT
We will set up the tree in time for Christmas, and even get a few present under it. FACT
We will get our mail key reasonably soon after moving in. FICTION (the short saga is: we did finally get our mail key, but nobody told us what box # is ours. Yes, I did try every box in the whole big metal thingy. None work with the key given to us)
I will be able to orgnaize and clean out the garage during the day while B is at work. FICTION.
We will have nice neighbors that come over and introduce themselves. FACT
I will love making nice meals for our family in our newly-ish applianc-ed kitchen. FICTION (Bjorn still does most all of the cooking)
We will make time for making holiday treats and cards to give, share, and send. FACT. (I'm so proud of myself for getting this all done! It made me happy to do it too.)
the "kids room" will stay reasonably empty until we actually have chidren. FICTION (it's full of gun stuff currently)
I won't have my share my desk anymore. FACT
So far, we love owning a home. It is spacious and roomy and somewhat decorated.... it is ours.
Abi's Birthday Party and Birthday - She's 8!!!
8 years ago
Glad you're loving your house! But sorry about the mail key - what a funny mystery! I loved reading your list.
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