"Nothing can bring a real sense of security into the home except true love."

Happy Permanence Day! I have officially lived in our newlywed cottage for over 10 months, which is the longest amount of time I have lived in any one spot since High School. That being several years ago- this is a big deal. While pondering how to celebrate permanence day I realized it probably should include some sort of big change, since my life has been in a constant flux every 6-9 months or so for the past 8 years, it's time for another one. We decided on rearranging the bedroom (I've never rearranged a room- besides adding new beds to fit more siblings- I'm always moving on and moving out in a few months) along with a thorough cleaning and some added organization- my favorite way to celebrate anything! We bought some baskets for Bjorn's clothes shelves and I just love them! They fit perfect and even look good and I love looking into that closet now. I'll open it just to make myself smile. Silly, I know.
After a great many errands, Bjorn and I enjoyed Chinese take-out and Martinelli's. Every weekend needs a reason to celebrate. :)

"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies"

It appears I have overlooked the seemingly insignificant parts of our lives that actually enable to go on trips, are the items we go on trips to get away from, and are what help us grow and save and plan for our future.  These items would be: work and school.

Bjorn has braced himself again for yet another semester.  I am grateful he doesn't complain about doing school in the summer- as I think I certainly would.  His temp job that kept him full time for a month and half between semesters seems okay with letting him keep working part time.  By this we mean, they haven't said "stop coming" and they haven't said "you must increase your hours".  Basically he just goes in whenever he wants.  Bjorn is a great asset to their maintenance crew and does fabulous welds for them.  That's about all I know.  That and he sometimes spends days working on roofs, moving swamp coolers, etc.

Coleen still works three 12-hour shifts a week at Primary Children's Hospital.  The night shifts do cause unwanted anxiety on occasion, but she always has a loving husband to come home to and make it all better.  The day shifts are busy, and all shifts are full of darling children, somewhat stressed parents, and good co-workers who are becoming friends.  Two quick stories:  a three year old was getting ready for discharge and while the nurse was talking to his parents he kept darting out of the room into the nurses station.  He finally made it past the nurses desks and into the hallway when he shouted "How Do You Get OUT Of This Place?!" in a very confused voice.
I had another three-year old patient last night who had just been admitted and wet the bed thoroughly.  His parents didn't have extra underwear and he refused to wear a diaper.  We tried to convince him that pull-ups would be a good option but he wouldn't have it.  "Those are NOT underwear" he stated.  Poor kid.  So proud.... and so tired. 
To make work even more interesting this month I have a capstone student from the U with me for  about half of my shifts.  We get along great and I am enjoying the teaching experience.