GJG 3 months

fell asleep during tummy time
loves his reflection in the mirror!

sly smile

3 months old! 

wearing his Sunday shirt

getting big!  he loves to stand up whenever he can! 

pictures with cousins! (and more)

Some pictures of Gabriel with his cousins- whom he met for the first time this trip to Washington

photographers (AKA parents) having too much fun!

yes, they wore matching outfits on purpose...

Flight and Fish

Gabriel's first flight.  2 months old.  From SLC to SEATAC

at the Museum of Flight with Mollika and Dainen (I am carrying D, not G).  This is the "women are awesome and did a lot in the flight industry during WWII exhibit"  

Bjorn loved the museum of flight. I quite enjoyed it. But he and his dad loved it.  So many airplanes! And lots of cool history stuff. 

The giant ferris wheel- new to the seattle skyline.
 We took one day of our trip to Washington to play tourist in Seattle. We did the Museum of Flight, had a snack there, then drove downtown to the Seattle Aquarium.  Mom and Dad Graham, Mollika, and her baby came with us.  The babies were so good! Between the moby wrap, the stroller, and 5 adults they had all the attention they needed, and let us spend time enjoying the museums.   GrahamParents took us out to dinner on our way home. The babies were close to being done for the day- but they were troopers!
I loved the aquarium. It's right on the ocean, so it just feels so real!  There were a lot of touch tanks.  Even Gabe tried one out! 

how many starfish??

Bjorn being eaten by an octupus

Bjorn and Gabriel sail on an orcas back

lion fish

the sea lions were very very cute! 

Our family in rainy Seattle! Just outside the aquarium.  It rained just for a few minutes on our walk back to the car- so we could get the full effect of being Seattle Tourists I am sure.  

Week of celebration

My fall birthday turned into a week of celebration this year!  Most of all, I loved just being with my baby all day long.  I also got treated to lunch 3 times in one week!  We had my favorite dessert at Sunday Dinner Club a few days later, so for my birthday itself I bought myself a dozen amazing cookies from the Sweet Tooth Fairy.  We sampled halvsies here and there- and shared cookies with everyone we came in contact with over the next couple days.  I believe birthdays are for sharing.  If I am celebrating my existence on earth- then I  want that existence to count for something  I want my life to be worth living and to benefit others.  Every year I think about trying to some big service, but it always ends up just being something tiny and simple. Giving of my time, giving a ride to someone, or sharing cookies. 

"shoeless Gabe Jackson"

the birthday Chef!  Bjorn made me the perfect birthday dinner! 

getting ready to snuggle and watch a movie with my favorite boys

flowers delivered to my doorstep (thanks honey!) 

Erin was visiting in Utah for the week of my birthday. We went shopping together, and went to aquaiurm with KC.  It was fabulous to get to spend time with her.  

birthday presents!  A new computer (we've been saving up and planning for this for months.  It's the best birthday gift ever! I love my new mac! ). I also got a new diaper. I love this style- it suites me well.  

sisters! Enjoying the fall colors in Provo Canyon