18 months and counting

Just when we think Gabriel can't get any more smart/hillarious/entertaining/energentic- he does. 

At 18 months he knows about 20 signs and uses sign language and grunts and animal noises and pointing to communicate with us.  I am surprised at how much I can understand, he really can get his point accross when he wants to. 

He loves to play outside. Now that we have warm weather we have been taking him outside more often.  We are so grateful to have our backyard to run around in!  He will play with Bjorn for  hours, just kicking and following a small wiffle ball.   When he is in the mood, he'll let me put a coat on him. When I think it's cold enough for a hat and mittens he obliges happily.  If his hat or hood falls off as he runs around he will come to us and pat his head until we put it back on.  He really can run now!

He has almost always used a towel with a hood after the bath, but recently he loves wearing the towel on his head for an hour after bathtime and refuses to take it off. First he curls up under the whole thing like a little turtle. When I finally roll him over to get diaper and jammies on the hood must stay on! Then he gets up to play, keeping the hooded towel on his head.... even if he is running around in the backyard. 

Some of his "tricks":  blowing kisses/waving by-bye whenever someone starts to mention "leaving".  Or if he just wants us to go somewhere he'll ask to be held, point to the door, and wave bye-bye.   When we lay him down for a nap or bedtime he will often blow us kisses as he lays in bed and we leave.  He likes to be the one to open the garage door every day.  He has recently discovered how to work the blender.  I'll hand him fruit and he'll put it in, I'll add the liquid, then he'll point to the buttons or try to grab them until I make it GO.  He loves to drink the resulting smoothie as well!

He loves it when daddy comes home! That is sometimes the highlight of our day.

Shopping is becoming more and more of a nightmare.  We have a routine to get us through the grocery store, but any other store he hates being in the cart, and is off like the flash the moment his feet hit the ground. At walmart, I bring my own cloth bag (since they don't even have small baskets anymore!) and follow him around as I herd him in the right direction to find the items on my list.

Recent favorite foods include crockpot lasagna and southwest macN cheese.   Green beans, cheese sticks, and yogurt are staples, and chicken nuggets are always a classic stand-by.  He loves dipping them in ketchup.  He actually loves dipping anything!  Pancakes, waffles, french toast, nuggets, chips, crackers, graham crackers..... If it has dip he will eat it (or at least lick the dip off).

We tried asparagus again recently and that did NOT go over well..... again.  He's not a fan of pickles, onions, or tomatoes; we are discovering as BBQ season is just around the corner!

Reading books with mommy is a favorite! Also loves to throw balls, pretend to shoot toy guns, pretend to shoot legos formed into a gun, and build towers with blocks and legos and knock them down.  He is starting to want to color on paper, I think he picked it up from nursery. 

He loves to wash his hands.  Only at the certain sink with his step-stool though. He'll ask for water and soap and then a towel to dry them off with, then want to repeat the whole process.

....still unwinds toilet paper rolls whenever he gets a chance.  Does that stage ever end?

He has had a runny nose almost the whole month and is  becoming a pro at blowing his nose when I ask.

We have enjoyed the zoo, the aviary, wheeler farm, and the discovery gateway children's musuem.  Also, the family fitness center right by our house has become a favorite playland as well.

The day of the red balloon

I'm all for Valentines Day.   I'm all for celebrating ANYTHING.  Especially celebrations in the middle of winter (why we aren't more enthusiastic about Chinese new year I'm not sure).  Even if they are cheesy holidays involving long standing traditions of stuffed animals and pink balloons and chocolate hearts that no one is quite sure where they even started.

I like celebrating Valentines day because I have valentine! I spent many years without a "significant other" and feel special to have a sweet hubby to call my own on valentines day.  I am also excited to make the day fun for my kid.... when he's older.   Crafts, cards, sentiments, decorating valentines box, tricking them into  doing more chores... that type of fun.

Our February 14th of 2014 went something like this:

Got up at 6 am to make pink scrambled eggs and pink heart shaped pancakes for Bjorn (he noticed. And was grateful). We "exchanged presents" over breakfast. We had decided  to get each other ONE meaningful item that represents a memory of something we've done together.  I got him a new belt (mostly 'cause he needed one) recalling the time he made me an impromptu belt out of rope when we were dating once.  He got me a beautiful figurine from the Willow Tree collection!  A mom, dad, and baby called "our gift".  I am in love with it! It marks a special time in our lives, I only have 1 or 2 other willow tree figures, and mostly I am delighted Bjorn remembered that is what I wanted.

Zumba'd to some funny lovey  songs with my Friday Zumba group

Dropped off a surprise treat at Bjorn's work

Reserved movie tickets for the night and let Gabriel play/wander around the mall

Met Bjorn for a lunch date at Great Harvest.  I love any sandwich place and am so happy that B really likes this one too!

Bought Gabriel a red balloon (that is really all he wanted for valentines day.  And that is all he got. He was very happy with it) and some other junk/necessities from Dollar Tree

mailed a package to my brother on a mission

chatted with my mom and sister briefly

made a surprisingly yummy steak dinner with Bjorn.  He made the steak, I made everything else.

We hit up the V-day family dance party at the fitness center.  It had lots of things to do, not a ton of people, and not the best music to dance to. (Kidz Bop? Is that what's it's called).  I'm still glad we went and Bjorn is glad it made me happy.

After Gabe went to sleep a sitter came over and Bjorn and I saw Ender's Game.  I didn't enjoy it as much as the book, but it still has some great themes and moral dilemmas... and it was a date with my hubby!

We finished off the night with gourmet cupcakes from the sweet tooth fairy.  My FAVORITE!


Once upon a time, I had a conversation with a dear friend in which we tried to settle on the definition of "adult-hood". We were just about to graduate BYU at the time, but still didn't quite feel like adults yet. If being a college graduate didn’t do it, then what would finally make us adults? Since then, we have hit
many life milestones together and kept checking back in with one another. Was this it? Were we finally adults now?

Was it serving a mission? Paying our own gas, electric or phone bills?
Applying for graduate school? Attending graduate school? Actually graduating
from graduate school? Nothing ever seemed like it was quite enough…

By now we have decided that rather than all at once, becoming an adult happens moment by moment, month by month, year by year.  Hardly a conversation with most friends or family members go by without my realizing I have perhaps hit yet another milestone.

Today I offer you:  THE LIST (as much as I have come with so far)

  • Graduating college
  • Purchasing furniture (not from DI)
  • Paying bills (gas, electricity, internet, phone, etc.)
  • Tying the knot
  • Interviewing for jobs
  • Being responsible for your own health insurance
  • Having a child
  • Bringing said child to a doctor’s office at which you are asked questions as if you were a competent, responsible, adult (and you actually have to come up with answers).  
  • Hiring a non-family-member babysitter.
  • Buying a house
  • Getting a loan or mortgage
  • Buying a car
  • Going to girls camp as a LEADER (being officially "in charge", as opposed to just pretending to be in charge).
  • Having a real garbage can that you have to take out to the street
  • *Bonus adult points if you have a recycling can as well.*
  • Not having an apartment number on your mailing address.
  • Being responsible for the care of a backyard.... YOUR OWN backyard.
  • Shoveling your own walk and driveway after a snowstorm.
  • Planting a garden.
  • Having the missionaries over for dinner
  • *Bonus adult points if you actually eat food grown out of said garden.* 
  • Painting your future child's bedroom.
  • Asking others for advice and help on how to remodel your bathroom...
  • Actually remodeling said bathroom.
  • Making more than 4 trips to Home Depot in one weekend
  • Making (and attempting to keep) a budget.
  • Renting a car.
  • Checking into a hotel (and NOT racing straight to the pool).
  • Living in the same location for more than 2 years

No doubt, adding to this list is going to be a life-long process. Perhaps we will never feel like true adults, but looking back at all I have accomplished in the past almost six years since this conversation started- at least I am on my way!