Birth Story of Baby A

The day of my baby’s due date came and went. It was a Tuesday, and I had absolutely no signs of contractions.   Since my mom was in town for the supposed baby’s birth, Bjorn and I were able to go out for a final date night. We saw Intersteller at the movie theater. I felt kind of sick to my stomach and knew that could be a sign of pre-labor, but Bjorn felt sick as well so it was more likely something we both ate.  We went to bed that night a little disappointed.  We both had to work the next day and our doula/friend was going out of town for Thanksgiving. Things were not going as planned.   Happily, baby A heard our pleas and decided to join our family Wednesday morning.  I woke up around  3:30 in the morning with what felt like normal pregnancy discomfort. I wasn’t able to go back to sleep and finally woke Bjorn up at 4 am.  He was excited I was having contractions, but to me they still didn’t feel “real”.  It didn’t feel like when I was in labor with Gabriel, so I didn’t believe it.  We ate breakfast, showered, and watched The Office. Bjorn finally convinced me to call in sick to work and I began to believe we were having a baby TODAY.  By 6 am my mom woke up (Gabe slept through everything) and I could definitely admit I was in labor. I was having strong contractions, but they were manageable.   We called the midwife and decided to head to the hospital.  By the time we had finished packing our hospital bag it was 6:45 and I was kind of starting to struggle. I was very much looking forward to the nice labor tub of warm water the hospital would set up for me.   Before leaving the house, my mom, Bjorn, and I knelt and said a prayer for everyone’s health and safety as we prepared for the eminent arrival of baby A.   It was a sweet, calm moment I hope to never forget. 

The car ride to the hospital was the worst part. I think I must have been going through the transition phase.  I was so uncomfortable and the contractions were very painful. I wanted to die. Bjorn was driving through red lights and speeding up to 100 mph on the freeway…. We made it to the hospital in record time. Friend/doula Megan met us at the hospital entrance and helped me inside while Bjorn parked.  It was wonderful timing on her part.  I tried to “check in”  but starting having strong contractions instead, so I was directed to a room. The nurse Laura started the patient check in procedure and tried waiting while I had contractions close together. She asked me to put on a gown and monitors… after the next contraction (she was trying to be patient).  I finally told her- “they’re not stopping!”  The super strong contractions were only seconds apart.  I kept trying different yoga positions to get comfortable and breathe deeply.  All of a sudden I felt a big gush and could feel my baby’s head pushing on my pelvis.  Nurse Laura checked me and sure enough it was the head- ready to come out. Bjorn and Megan were both great and supportive and helpful and everyone stayed calm and told me I was doing a great job.  Nurse Laura called for some help when I said “I have to push!” The sensation was overwhelming; I had to push this thing out of me!! And I knew once I did it wouldn’t hurt anymore. That was great motivation.  To my surprise everyone said “ok!”  and so  I did.  With four pushes Baby A came out and nurse Laura caught him and placed him on my chest. I was so relieved it was all over (so I thought) and so happy he was so healthy. He was beautiful to me, already. Even with newborn yuckiness all over him.  Bjorn was impressed with me, mostly. And Megan handed me a chocolate protein shake.  Very thoughtful of her and much appreciated.  A bunch of doctors and nurses then arrived and helped clean everything up and give me a couple stitches.  A few minutes later someone noticed the baby was having trouble breathing so they tried whisking him to the newborn crib in the room.  To everyone’s surprise, he was still attached to me! No one had thought to cut the umbilical cord yet (there was a LOT going on).  Some nurse and somebody else hurried and grabbed scissors and tied and cut it, then sucked out Aidric’s nose and mouth. (I think he just came out so fast he didn’t have time to have all the gunk squeezed out of his lungs as he would if he came out slowly like is supposed to happen).  They handed him back to me and put a blanket over us and all was well.   I just sat in awe for several minutes.  Being stitched up without anesthesia was no fun, luckily it was a small tear.  Eventually we traveled up to our recovery room.  I was on an adrenaline high and wide awake and hungry. They had food for me, and cold packs and heat packs and everything I needed and wanted.  It was great being pampered.  Bjorn and Megan kept congratulating me as I held our perfect (though nameless) newborn, marveling once again at the miracle of life. 


Gabriel says some of the funniest things lately! I am trying to record as many my prego brain can muster right now:

* Try again:  anytime something doesn't go right he says this. I love his optimism!  Sometimes it's "trying again mommy" when I can't find a parking spot, or "try again Gabriel" when he is throwing a ball across the room.

* Play Hide Seek:  whenevever I am looking for something and ask Gabe where it is he immediately responds "playhideseek".  Obviously the toy/tool/hair accessory/person is playing a game with me.

*Sounds Good:  He just started saying this to me. I think I must say it a lot.  He'll tell a story or sentence or listen to me say something and end with "soundgood"

*Dada fix it: In Gabe's mind Dada can fix ANYTHING.  When toys break, tools break, grocery bags break, fabric gets a rip or hole in it, he tells me dada fix it. And usually adds "when dada home from work"

*Mommy play with babies:  Bjorn taught Gabe that all I do at work is play with babies.  When am I at work he tells Bjorn "mommy play babies".    When I am putting on my scrubs for a night shift and he sees me he gets upset and says  "No Mommy play babies!" It makes it so hard to leave!

* fish crackers:  We really are good (in my opinion) about not watching much TV in our house. Bjorn and I don't even really watch TV.  So this is Gabe's only quote from a TV show.  He is fascinated and in love with Curious George.  There is a minor character on the show who every once in a while is given fish crackers and says "Fish Crackers!  Oooh  Ooooh Ooooh!".  One day I was I was talking about goldfish crackers and Gabriel piped up "oooooh  oooh ooooh".  Too funny. Now we say "fish crackers"  just to get him to say the rest.

* make mess: When he is by himself in another room and I ask him what he is doing he almost always quickly responds with:  "make mess".  At least he's honest.   Not sure if he understands exactly what it all means. But he knows he does it a lot.

*right behind you. When he is following me somewhere, or he wants me to follow him, this is his phrase.

* kiss all better.   Every bump or owie needs to be kissed by mom, right in the same spot it got hurt.

*take nap:  when he is sad about something  (toy taken, can't have ice cream, etc.) we ask him what is wrong and he says "take nap".  sometimes he will even put a pillow and blanket on the couch. He seems to know that naps make everything feel better!

accomplishments at 30

As may or may not have been proclaimed from the mountain tops: I turned thirty this month!  Kind of a big deal.  I kept thinking of awesome ways to celebrate, but as it turns out, being 30 weeks pregnant and just being at home with my big and little boy were enough to make it grand.   We just packed the Saturday full of small treats like:

* Breakfast in Bed (small) from my favorite boys

*Kneaders french toast for Brunch

*taking Gabriel to library storytime as a family so he could meet Curious George. (when I found out about this Curious George one I knew he would love it.  When I realized it was on my birthday  I thought "What better way to make me happy then to see my 2 year old in happy heaven!). He did love seeing George and was only a wee squirmy

*pedicure with a good friend. We talked the whole time. It went by way too fast!

*pumpkin patch with my family

* home made dinner (my husband is amazing) with my favorite mashed potatoes.

*Redbox and Ben and Jerry's to finish up the night.   Nothing too spectacular.

I had planned to see a play at the Hale Center Theater for my birthday, but tickets were sold out for that night.  So my birthday present to myself was 2 tickets to Catch Me If You Can for October 25th.  We loved it!  Bjorn enjoys musicals so much when he is there.  I love sharing that with him.

What I really want to record here is some of the things I have accomplished in my 30 years on this year, and list some things I HOPE to accomplish in the next 30 years.


graduated college
got married
have 2 kids
worked as an RN at an amazing pediatric hospital.  I have done well and learned a lot here!  I am a clinical coach (meaning I precept and orient nursing students and new hires) and I am the "surgical clinical expanded role" (meaning I go to meetings and plan and present stuff to our staff and make sure everyone's up to date and help teach and do audits on everyones charting.... answer emails,  etc)
bought a house
bought a car (a few now)
Alaska Cruise
Disney Bahamas Cruise
attended all 4 Walt Disney World Parks in one day
several small road trips with my family of 3
brought my family to a professional conference at a fancy shmancy hotel (they played while I worked)
spent over 20 hours (total) on an airplane, with a toddler, while pregnant
learned to make homemade bread
received a professional pedicure, manicure, and a massage
mountain biked the pipeline trail in Millcreek
been to New York, LA, DC, Houston, Seattle, Boston, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Diego, Indianapolis, Las Vegas
been to 35 states and 8 countries
visited 5 different zoos in America


become certified to teach yoga or Zumba
go on a mission to Arkansas and teach the restored gospel to the Dugger family :)
tour Italy
participate in ski to sea race 
attend a non-classical music concert (believe it or not I have NEVER been to a real concert)
make homemade cinnamon rolls
plan family reunions for MY future  generations/grandkids
live in a beach house
go to Mexico
give birth unmedicated (**ACCOMPLISHED with the birth of baby boy #2!)
prepare my sons for missions

Summer in Review

As the summer sun slowly sets behind us and we welcome with open hearts a wonderful fall, I'd like to take a moment to share some of the accomplishments and lessons learned in our little family during the summer of 2014 ('cause I'm not making a blog post for each event!)

Learned to whip egg whites.  To those of you amazing chefs and homemakers and avid cooks out there this may not be a big deal. But it was a first for me. I whipped those egg whites (with a little help from Gabe, and some you tube tutorial) to go in a delectable homemade cheesecake for Bjorn's birthday.  I would even do it again.

Bjorn has met every single one of my 44 cousins. I think we're at 44.  Counting both sides of the family, but not spouses.  The big "wahoo" about this (besides the fact that there are 44ish of them) is that they live in many different states scattered across the US, and that he is the ONLY in-law to have ever accomplished this task.  The culminating figure was Brandon (#2), who happened to swing by from Minnesota for the wedding of cousin #12 (ish)  this summer.    (I am #4 BTW)

We survived the longest road trip our family has ever taken. Driving from Anacortes, WA, all the way home to West Valley City, UT.  14.5 hours.  (Gabe and I had flown up the Washington a lot earlier than Bjorn could get time off work for).  I wasn't too worried about it. Gabriel always does great in the car. And I don't mind waking up at 5 am to get the drive done in one day.  I did, however, forget to factor in the fact that I would be 26 weeks pregnant. This meant I was NOT able to get comfortable enough to SLEEP in the car. At all.  After my 4 hours stint of driving through Seattle, I spent the rest of the road trip entertaining Gabriel and wishing I was sleeping.  I even made Bjorn pull over at a rest stop in middle of no where Idaho just so I could lay out a blanket and lie down for 10 minutes.  I'm sure future road trips will be fine. I'll just remember not to go more than 10 hours when I am over 25 weeks prego.  New rule.

All three of us made good use of our 7-peaks pass of all passes. Meaning, we got them in time to get a good deal, redeemed them in time, and went enough times to 7-peaks (and hollywood connections and Tracy Aviary) to make it totally worth it.  Even though 7 peaks SLC is pretty lame.  For our last trip there we splurged and rented a tube.  Gabe fell asleep in my lap (after much finagling to get everyone comfortable) as we rocked with the waves in the tidal pool.  good times.

...And Gabriel has taken six airplane trips, all completely free.  On his last flight the crew and entire plane of passengers even sang him happy birthday and commented that he will never fly again- free.  This I know all too well. And with two kids.... it might be a while before I make a frequent habit of flying again.

I am also proud that Bjorn's family has started a family newsletter- with a little tiny nudging and encouragement and explanation on my part.  It is running strong for 3 months now. I take some credit for that.

And I guess the fact that Baby #2 is alive and well and moving around tons and probably happy and healthy should count for something as well.

What a summer!

Birthday Man

Bjorn's birthday + pioneer day + weekend my mom was in town to help rearrange and decorate the new boys room.  I'll let the pictures do the talking:

Alpine slide in Park City! Wahoo!!  Mamu was available to baby-sit so we took advantage of the time and checked out Park City Mountain Resort in the Summer.  These yellow sleds had brakes so you could go slow (i.e. if you are pregnant) or fast (i.e. if you are an adrenaline junkie).  A great way for everyone to  have a good time.
ABjorn's favorite fast food is Panda Express, so we stopped there for dinner (sans child!) 

Opening birthday presents at home.  Small ceremony, complete with homemade cheesecake for dessert (with a variety of toppings).  I am proud of myself for trying it and the recipe turned out great! 

For his REAL present, I went shooting with Bjorn. That's how good of a wife I am. Shooting really big guns while 22 weeks pregnant.  I learned a lot, he was impressed with me, and we both had an okay time. (I did at least. I think Bjorn had a great time) 

Last but not least, on Pioneer day itself instead of braving the heat the crazy parade parking we headed to Red Butte Gardens for a FREE day of enjoying beuatiful gardens and flowers, smells, and splash pads.  Bjorn and Gabriel especially loved chasing each other through the children's maze. Can't wait to go again! 

American Style

After 5 years of working every July 4th (some days, some nights... so I've done a little bit of celebrating).  I was blessed to have the entire weekend OFF this year!!   With Gabriel being almost 2 we wanted a true-blue American Fourth. And we got it!

Started off with pancake breakfast by the Lions club in good ol' Magna.  Our good friends Rex and Megan joined in the fun (all day actually).  It was hot (all day actually).  

Then we watched the Magna parade. It was kind of a joke. Good thing we weren't expecting much. Gabe loved all the sirens and motorcycles and fire engines. The cool part was the last fire truck which stopped every 20 feet to roll out a hose and spray all the onlookers.  It was a great way to cool off.

Came home for naps and BBQ.  Deeeeelish.  fruit pizza for dessert. MMMM-mmmm.

Ended the day at the SLC BEES game!   It was still hot. And the BEES lost. But the fireworks were very awesome. Gabe was interested at first (From a distance). Then the noise scared him. So I covered his ears with my hand as he sat in my lap and he LOVED watching the fireworks.   It is a pleasure for me to introduce him to so many new and wonderful things in this world.
As I thought about it, my idea of what 4th of July "really should be"  stems from growing in Elk Ridge, Utah. The (very) small town parade, carnival, and pancake breakfast..... with fireworks in the BIG city (Provo) later that night charecterize a true 4th for me.  This one lived up to my ideals!  We will see what next year brings.  And who knows what Gabe will think is "normal"?!

18 months and counting

Just when we think Gabriel can't get any more smart/hillarious/entertaining/energentic- he does. 

At 18 months he knows about 20 signs and uses sign language and grunts and animal noises and pointing to communicate with us.  I am surprised at how much I can understand, he really can get his point accross when he wants to. 

He loves to play outside. Now that we have warm weather we have been taking him outside more often.  We are so grateful to have our backyard to run around in!  He will play with Bjorn for  hours, just kicking and following a small wiffle ball.   When he is in the mood, he'll let me put a coat on him. When I think it's cold enough for a hat and mittens he obliges happily.  If his hat or hood falls off as he runs around he will come to us and pat his head until we put it back on.  He really can run now!

He has almost always used a towel with a hood after the bath, but recently he loves wearing the towel on his head for an hour after bathtime and refuses to take it off. First he curls up under the whole thing like a little turtle. When I finally roll him over to get diaper and jammies on the hood must stay on! Then he gets up to play, keeping the hooded towel on his head.... even if he is running around in the backyard. 

Some of his "tricks":  blowing kisses/waving by-bye whenever someone starts to mention "leaving".  Or if he just wants us to go somewhere he'll ask to be held, point to the door, and wave bye-bye.   When we lay him down for a nap or bedtime he will often blow us kisses as he lays in bed and we leave.  He likes to be the one to open the garage door every day.  He has recently discovered how to work the blender.  I'll hand him fruit and he'll put it in, I'll add the liquid, then he'll point to the buttons or try to grab them until I make it GO.  He loves to drink the resulting smoothie as well!

He loves it when daddy comes home! That is sometimes the highlight of our day.

Shopping is becoming more and more of a nightmare.  We have a routine to get us through the grocery store, but any other store he hates being in the cart, and is off like the flash the moment his feet hit the ground. At walmart, I bring my own cloth bag (since they don't even have small baskets anymore!) and follow him around as I herd him in the right direction to find the items on my list.

Recent favorite foods include crockpot lasagna and southwest macN cheese.   Green beans, cheese sticks, and yogurt are staples, and chicken nuggets are always a classic stand-by.  He loves dipping them in ketchup.  He actually loves dipping anything!  Pancakes, waffles, french toast, nuggets, chips, crackers, graham crackers..... If it has dip he will eat it (or at least lick the dip off).

We tried asparagus again recently and that did NOT go over well..... again.  He's not a fan of pickles, onions, or tomatoes; we are discovering as BBQ season is just around the corner!

Reading books with mommy is a favorite! Also loves to throw balls, pretend to shoot toy guns, pretend to shoot legos formed into a gun, and build towers with blocks and legos and knock them down.  He is starting to want to color on paper, I think he picked it up from nursery. 

He loves to wash his hands.  Only at the certain sink with his step-stool though. He'll ask for water and soap and then a towel to dry them off with, then want to repeat the whole process.

....still unwinds toilet paper rolls whenever he gets a chance.  Does that stage ever end?

He has had a runny nose almost the whole month and is  becoming a pro at blowing his nose when I ask.

We have enjoyed the zoo, the aviary, wheeler farm, and the discovery gateway children's musuem.  Also, the family fitness center right by our house has become a favorite playland as well.

The day of the red balloon

I'm all for Valentines Day.   I'm all for celebrating ANYTHING.  Especially celebrations in the middle of winter (why we aren't more enthusiastic about Chinese new year I'm not sure).  Even if they are cheesy holidays involving long standing traditions of stuffed animals and pink balloons and chocolate hearts that no one is quite sure where they even started.

I like celebrating Valentines day because I have valentine! I spent many years without a "significant other" and feel special to have a sweet hubby to call my own on valentines day.  I am also excited to make the day fun for my kid.... when he's older.   Crafts, cards, sentiments, decorating valentines box, tricking them into  doing more chores... that type of fun.

Our February 14th of 2014 went something like this:

Got up at 6 am to make pink scrambled eggs and pink heart shaped pancakes for Bjorn (he noticed. And was grateful). We "exchanged presents" over breakfast. We had decided  to get each other ONE meaningful item that represents a memory of something we've done together.  I got him a new belt (mostly 'cause he needed one) recalling the time he made me an impromptu belt out of rope when we were dating once.  He got me a beautiful figurine from the Willow Tree collection!  A mom, dad, and baby called "our gift".  I am in love with it! It marks a special time in our lives, I only have 1 or 2 other willow tree figures, and mostly I am delighted Bjorn remembered that is what I wanted.

Zumba'd to some funny lovey  songs with my Friday Zumba group

Dropped off a surprise treat at Bjorn's work

Reserved movie tickets for the night and let Gabriel play/wander around the mall

Met Bjorn for a lunch date at Great Harvest.  I love any sandwich place and am so happy that B really likes this one too!

Bought Gabriel a red balloon (that is really all he wanted for valentines day.  And that is all he got. He was very happy with it) and some other junk/necessities from Dollar Tree

mailed a package to my brother on a mission

chatted with my mom and sister briefly

made a surprisingly yummy steak dinner with Bjorn.  He made the steak, I made everything else.

We hit up the V-day family dance party at the fitness center.  It had lots of things to do, not a ton of people, and not the best music to dance to. (Kidz Bop? Is that what's it's called).  I'm still glad we went and Bjorn is glad it made me happy.

After Gabe went to sleep a sitter came over and Bjorn and I saw Ender's Game.  I didn't enjoy it as much as the book, but it still has some great themes and moral dilemmas... and it was a date with my hubby!

We finished off the night with gourmet cupcakes from the sweet tooth fairy.  My FAVORITE!


Once upon a time, I had a conversation with a dear friend in which we tried to settle on the definition of "adult-hood". We were just about to graduate BYU at the time, but still didn't quite feel like adults yet. If being a college graduate didn’t do it, then what would finally make us adults? Since then, we have hit
many life milestones together and kept checking back in with one another. Was this it? Were we finally adults now?

Was it serving a mission? Paying our own gas, electric or phone bills?
Applying for graduate school? Attending graduate school? Actually graduating
from graduate school? Nothing ever seemed like it was quite enough…

By now we have decided that rather than all at once, becoming an adult happens moment by moment, month by month, year by year.  Hardly a conversation with most friends or family members go by without my realizing I have perhaps hit yet another milestone.

Today I offer you:  THE LIST (as much as I have come with so far)

  • Graduating college
  • Purchasing furniture (not from DI)
  • Paying bills (gas, electricity, internet, phone, etc.)
  • Tying the knot
  • Interviewing for jobs
  • Being responsible for your own health insurance
  • Having a child
  • Bringing said child to a doctor’s office at which you are asked questions as if you were a competent, responsible, adult (and you actually have to come up with answers).  
  • Hiring a non-family-member babysitter.
  • Buying a house
  • Getting a loan or mortgage
  • Buying a car
  • Going to girls camp as a LEADER (being officially "in charge", as opposed to just pretending to be in charge).
  • Having a real garbage can that you have to take out to the street
  • *Bonus adult points if you have a recycling can as well.*
  • Not having an apartment number on your mailing address.
  • Being responsible for the care of a backyard.... YOUR OWN backyard.
  • Shoveling your own walk and driveway after a snowstorm.
  • Planting a garden.
  • Having the missionaries over for dinner
  • *Bonus adult points if you actually eat food grown out of said garden.* 
  • Painting your future child's bedroom.
  • Asking others for advice and help on how to remodel your bathroom...
  • Actually remodeling said bathroom.
  • Making more than 4 trips to Home Depot in one weekend
  • Making (and attempting to keep) a budget.
  • Renting a car.
  • Checking into a hotel (and NOT racing straight to the pool).
  • Living in the same location for more than 2 years

No doubt, adding to this list is going to be a life-long process. Perhaps we will never feel like true adults, but looking back at all I have accomplished in the past almost six years since this conversation started- at least I am on my way!

Chrtistmas break in a nutshell

hello blogging world!  Welcome back to the Graham Cracker house.

As the new year begins I am recommitted to updating our blog more!! I'll even try to include some day-to-day happenings at the Graham household.

Our Christmas break was wonderful!  We are so lucky to have both of us get work off for the Annual Murray Family Ski trip.  From Dec. 27- Jan. 2nd we all stayed at a cabin at Brighton and enjoyed some great ski runs, competitive games (embarrassing games Bjorn will say), fabulous family nights, the blessing of our sweet new addition Preston, and mostly just sitting around watching "the boys" (Gabe and his 2 cousins).

Each family was in charge of a family activity for a night.  We had a parenting panel, a seminary trivia game, Scotland family history, poetry recitation, and a mandatory game of Spontuneous. Also, each family had made a video documenting the past 12-15 months with pictures and music.  These fun collaborations were viewed each evening throughout the week.

My parents brought back Murray (Graham for us) family Tartans and ties for everyone, and the cutest little scottish hats for the boys!   

our new years eve celebration was more exciting in the pictures than in reality.  Here we don our KC hats in remembrance of our Argentine Hermana 

Gabe was not thrilled with this sled ride- but it was nap time. We've tried it out at home in our backyard and he really enjoys it now. 

I like this picture because my parents are laughing... even if the boys are making funny faces 

clan Murray 

p.s. I love love and always will love skiing with my family.  We  can't wait for Gabe to join in on the fun!