In the midst of our Fall activities we made a trip to the Pacific Northwest to visit our families.

Hubby and I appreciated the much needed break to relax.  It was great to sleep in every morning and spend the rest of the day hanging out with family. We made desserts, watched movies, went on hikes, played croquet, read, and caught up with Aunts and Uncles.

The trip happened to coincide with my birthday- what better way to celebrate then kayaking on serene lakes, warming up with white hot chocolate, and having both families present for a dinner celebration. I loved it.  Thanks to my parents and in-laws for making the day fabulous!

Sorry this post is sans pictures, just believe me when I say Washington is gorgeous!

In my Opinion

Fall is NOT the best time of the year.  I hear and read a lot of posts regarding all the great attributes of Fall and numerous expressions of love with the great season of Fall.  I can't say I share the same sentiments. 

I have always felt I SHOULD love Fall, as it contains my birthday month.  For a long time growing up most kids's favorite month was their birthday month, so I said I love Fall/October for a while.  But I was lying.  I love summer.  I love long days. I love the sun. I love warm weather.  I love the beach. I love beach houses.  I love waves and water and boats and vacations.  I love camping and gardens and swimming.  These things don't happen much in the Fall. Fall means school starts. [blech].  All the pools in Utah shut down after Labor Day.  Fall means cold weather. (minor side note, I do get cold easily).  It snowed in Utah this week!  For goodness sake. Pretty much, Fall is OVER.   Move over  crispy, red, falling leaves- winter is on it's way.  Which means ski season is almost here....