12 months of love, laughter, and trouble

A whole year has come and gone and Gabriel is now one year old.    I feel I did pretty well posting on  here every month.   I'm just going to skip 11 months, instead of trying to catch up and remember what exactly he was doing at that age.  We're going to live in the present.  Or, at least the recent past.  Speckled with pix from his one-year -old photo shoot at the International Peace Gardens in SLC.

Height:  31 inches
Weight:  23 pounds
Birthday cake flavor: chocolate with chocolate frosting. He loved it! Here is some evidence.  The destructive streak in him made for some grand smashing, happily viewed by all in attendance (physically or electronically) at his 1st b-day party  (p.s. I had so much fun planning a few little decorations and preparing food for the BBQ and we just had a wonderful wonderful day)

Theme song:  "Hey (d)Jude" -Beatles
"I Knew You Were Trouble When you Walked In"- Taylor Swift
How many teeth:  he has 4! The top two and bottom all finally came in a week after he turned 11 months. We waited a long time!  Actually, I am glad my little dude and I didn't have to go through teething earlier than that.

Favorite place to shop:  ummm, Carters?  or Wherever I can find a good sale..... or clothes that say "dude"

Favorite form of transportation: he has tried planes, busses, burley rides behind our bikes, and kayaks. But he still prefers the car.  He is great in his carseat.
favorite outing:  he loves riding the carousel.  We have passess to an arcade near our house with a carousel and Dude has ridden it about 12 times this summer. He also enjoys 7-peaks. But his face really lights up on the carousel.  We made a special trip there on his birthday

Favorite toy: he loves behind pushed around in the little wagon he got for his birthday

Words: he says dada, that's about it for now. sometimes he'll say mama.  

Favorite foods: he loves his bottle! Whole milk now. yum yum. He'll even take it cold.  He also loves yogurt, and most things made of pasta.  A recent treat is Peanut Butter Cap'n crunch!  It was difficult to go back to baby cereal after that bite of mama's breakfast! 

Favorite activities:
making a HUGE mess on the high chair and kitchen floor everytime we try  to eat a meal
playing peek-aboo by pulling a blanket over his head.... or just pulling a blanket over his head and walking around the room blindly until he runs into something.  Quite comical for the parents.
riding on daddy's shoulders
riding on mommy's back
playing with the hose in the backyard
taking lids off of things and putting other random objects in "appropriate" containers
helping mommy unload the dishwasher
being chased
putting things in the toilet  (at least, once it was the toilet brush.  can I pretend that was intentional?)
ripping the flaps off "lift the flap" books
dancing with mommy
bathtime with daddy