
...is how we entered our first ski season.  After a warm up day at Alta's free run last month, we hit the real stuff with a trip to Snowbird this weekend.  The day was, to put it plainly- incredible.  The near perfection I  have been imagining all summer. I say near because the temperature was still a bit chilly for me (most ski days are) but I take what I can get.  

Bjorn and I love romping around the resort, and completely wore ourselves out.  We are getting old!  We took full advantage of our lunch break, and were pleasantly surprised to find ibuprofen in my ski pants (left over from last season) to save our aching joints and muscles.  Yes, it may be painful at times, but it's just too much fun.  My body forgets that it hurts until afterwards.  My main problem was when I skied averagely, I was cold, and when I skied aggressively I was pleasantly warm, but my knees began to throb.  See the dilemma?  I'd oscillate back and forth between the two styles all afternoon (once I figured the phenomenon out).  

We remembered our camera and got a couple pictures of spinny-backwards skiing.  Then Bjorn started down this strait, flat, trail backwards, video-ing me skiing in front of him.  The next thing I knew he hit a snowbank and tumbled to the snowy ground!  It was hilarious! Sadly, the video wasn't on for that part.  

Stay Tuned for more news on the ski front! 

close encounters of the near famous kind

I haven't been to the Energy Solutions Arena since I was about 10 years old.  Back then, it was the Delta center.  So when Michael and Stephanie told us about a BYU basketball game happening there, I eagerly convinced Bjorn we should go (he's not the hugest sports fan).  Chis, Mick, and Steph met us at our apartment, then we carpooled (through much traffic) to downtown Salt Lake.  Luckily, we automatically have a great parking spot because Bjorn attends LDSBC and can park there anytime.  On the way, Mick and Steph told they us they had forgotten their tickets!  Not at our apartment, but in American Fork.  Sad day.  they asked around and tried to see if there was any other way they could get in- but no such luck.  They ended up watching most of the game on a screen at a store in the Gateway, and the last half at Deseret book.  The 3 of us, meanwhile, met up with Chris's friend and cheered enthusiastically and tried to figure out what's going on in the game while sitting in the student section (with annoying people behind us).  The friend suddenly said his Dad works there (as an usher... or seat finder... or whatever they're called at Basketball games) and found some good seats for us.  So at half time we moved down to the front section and had a blast until the real owners of the seats showed up. whoops.  The friends dad, however, then kindly showed us to the media table.  Still on the first level, but back a little ways.  We were sitting in tall chairs, with a table in front of us, and name tags like "Thurl Bailey".  Bjorn asked "who is Thurl Bailey" and none of us had any idea.  We had heard the name and figured he was someone special..... but couldn't place a finger on it.  Michael told us afterwards that he is a famous NBA player who played for the Jazz. I found out later that he was a convert to the LDS church later in his life, with a neat conversion story.  According to wikipedia he is currently a "broadcast analyst" for the Jazz- and we were sitting in his seat!
Also- while glancing through the team roster in the program (conjured by above mentioned friends Dad) I recognized the name of player #12.... he served in my mission!  I read his Bio to be sure.  Yep. He's the one.  I wish I could say I played basketball with him on the mission, but the fact is, I didn't.

After the game (which we WON... I guess I could mention we were playing against Arizona)  We made it through the traffic back to our place, and had dinner and games and a good time with everyone.

Real Life Woman

When I started this blog I vowed I would write REAL things.  Not just our vacations, our promotions, our triumphs, but the hard decisions and the not so easy REAL stuff that goes on in life.  Truthfully, not a lot of hard stuff has happened to us (yet).  But I do feel the need to share my embarressing moment of the month:

At the mall on Saturday I happened to find (though we weren't looking for it) an amazing dress at an amazing price that I just HAD to have.  After I tried it on, Bjorn agreed, and I happily took home my prize.  I wore it to church the next day, of course.  Even though the temperature had dropped to almost freezing and it was a short-sleeved, knee-length dress (hence the on sale pricing).  but I threw on a coat and some warm tights and we were good to go.  Our church building however, is not always completely heated first thing in the morning.  I wore my coat during sacrament meeting, but since I was TEACHING Sunday School I kinda sorta wanted to show off my new dress.  Luckily I found the thermostat in our room so I cranked up the heat and took my coat off.  We dove into the lesson and I didn't think much of it 'til my whole body felt very very warm.  I was happy to be all warmed up, and the lesson was going well.  The Bishop even came into our class and participated.  As everyone left (I was feeling quite warm by this point- ready to turn the heat down) the Bishop came to me and said "you can adjust the thermostat over there you know..."  I nodded thanks and wondered why he would be telling me such things.  When I finally took a glance at myself, I realized why.  Since warming up I had been sweating profusely, and had HUGE sweat stains around my underarms (we're talking- 6 inches in diameter!).  I was so embarrassed!  Needless to say, I put my coat back on and wore it the rest of church.
"Women's vanity- stupid ridiculous vanity" -Nobuko H.