Not in Nottingham

As one may guess, there are many ups and down to moving. Even if it is only 20 minutes accross town.   Change is not  always easy for me, and making lists helps. Lists are the cure for lots of things actually.  Let's see:

Things I will miss from our old apartment:

  1. fireplace
  2. built in display shelves
  3. proxmity of washer and dryer to closets
  4. the random cats wandering around the complex (okay, not really)
  5. the closet of shelves in the bedroom (read: a place for Bjorn's clothes without us actually buying a dresser)
  6. our ward

Things I will not miss from our old apartment:
  1. tiny hot water heater (read: hot water available for very short amounts of time)
  2. no grabage disposal
  3. no dishwasher
  4. the random cats jumping on and off my car as if they owned it
  5. the bright light outside our bedroom window (in the back alley of the apartment complexes) 
  6. our six foot square kitchen where my 2 people can't even cook together 


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