top 12 reasons we decided to have a kid

I wrote this a while ago and found it in my scripture case this week.  It still cracked me up a bit so I thought I'd share:

Reason #1-  Disneyland is infinitely more fun with children

#2- We have 3 bedrooms in our new house, and there are only 2 of us.

#3- I've been taking care of kids and wanting my own since I was 10.  Literally.  Probably even before that.  Also, I get lots of practice taking care of 2-3 kids at a time at work all day every day, so I figure I can handle at least that many.... someday.

#4-  Bjorn and I are really good at painting and just want more opportunities to paint more of our house

#5- Having an excuse to eat all the time (whilst prego) is a wonderful thing

#6- I've baby-sat Clawson cousing for hundreds of hours and figure at least one of them will be looking for a chance to repay me....

#7- Bjorn is DETERMINED to carry on Graham genes by having a boy

#8- We're close to running out of FHE ideas for 2 people

#9- I like to name things.  And having a baby is a perfect opportunity to pick THREE names.

#10- Family reunions are infinitely more fun with babies around

#11- Our friends' kids could always use more playmates

#12- I'm dying to do 5 loads of laundry a day


Quinn and Mollika said...

I'm thinking the 5 loads of laundry a day is a low estimate... Dainen doesn't even spit up that much and he managed to make 3 loads in the night... lol. You'll be a great mom =)

Carol T. said...

I like #9. Although naming a baby is a little different than naming our casseroles. Please tell me that Baby G will have the word "Surprise" somewhere in his name!

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