
The Householders have been in Utah this month, and last weekend we finally got a chance to meet up with them. This American couple owns a bed and breakfast in Port Alberni, BC, Canada and were simply amazing to me on my mission. As someone put it once "missionaries need the Householders, and the Householders need missionaries!" Tom was the Bishop of the Port Alberni ward at the time I served there, so we went through many adventures together. Their bed and breakfast/home was always open to us: for any meals, to use the conference room for district meetings, or the pool table on P-days. We'd also help with the dishes if Marla was away. They are like a second set of parents to me. Naturally, it was quite wonderful to catch up with them and their lives. They gave me an update on how the Port ALberni ward is doing. Not all news was good news of course, but it is still great to remember these people that mean so much to me, and hear how their lives are progressing. I learned that my last baptism (2 days before leaving Canada) Sister Jean Potts (70 something years old), is preparing to go to the temple. As far as I know, only one other person I helped teach has gone through the temple, so I was thrilled with this news. I've heard it said that you can't judge the success of your mission until 20 years later, and I am starting to see why.


Mindee said...

Hey Duckie! I hope you don't mind if I stalk your blog ;) I love being able to catch up with everyone this way, since we all can't manage to get together as often!

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