Banana Bread

A while back, two people I don't know very well, did something nice for me.  It wasn't extreme, but I know they went at least a little bit out of their way to pick us up/drop us off at the airport.  I was extremely grateful for the small act of kindness, and could not think of quite the right way to repay these generous souls.  I thought of baking a loaf of bread, but I am still fairly new at baking bread and it doesn't always turn out perfect, and it's kind of dense, and what if they don't like it..... but in the freezer that day I spied the solution: bananas.  The perfect idea was formed: Banana bread.  I made two batches of banana bread (a classic recipe from my mother which I know is good) and two somewhat cute and crafty thank you cards.  I was proud of myself for creating such substantial homemade items (bread and cards).  The kitchen smelled wonderful, and I was tempted to save a loaf for my husband and me.  But I was excited to share as well.  Of course I worried all day about the almost-burned spot, how to wrap them so they still look cute but you can tell what it is inside, whether these people even like banana bread, or if they have allergies to fruit?  I finally faced my fears and just delivered them.  Two loaves of bread. One apartment complex.  Two families.  Done.  And you know what?  I felt great.  I hadn't done a simple service like that in a very long time.  Perhaps since getting married all my service has focused on my husband (not a bad thing), but it honestly felt GOOD to get outside myself and put in some work and effort to really do something for someone else, outside my family.  I truly felt a warm tingle start to spread across my body and a smile across my face and concluded: I need to do this more often.


Heidi said...

I made banana bread this week too! We must be soul sisters! Of course, Dave and I promptly ate ours, instead of giving it away . . .

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