The Lord said to Noah…

...You’re gonna have an awesome time at Camp!

I’ll admit:  I was a teeny eensy bit worried.  Not being a YW leader, but just invited along for the ride because….. I’m not even sure.  I wasn’t involved in a lot of the planning for this years girls camp. But having been to camp last year for a couple days, and knowing the youth like I do, I wasn’t completely clueless or scared.

Our ward (and the whole stake) is a little unique, compared to what I’m used to.  We do camp as a stake at the awesome little camping “resort” up a canyon past Park City.  We camp in tents and eat and do most activities with our ward.  For us, that meant 3 girls, and 3 leaders (except for the day 2 more leaders came up with another girl).  Our young un’s are oh-so-cute! And our “yuckle” is slowly but surely learning how to  be a leader.  We spent a lot of time together and really got to know one another. We battled homesickness and made scrambled eggs together, we paddled canoes and rode ziplines into the water.  We sang songs (my favorite part) and performed skits.  We decorated journals and survived thunderstorms.  We learned about Palmyra and how to start fires.  Best of all, we shared testimonies.  Stories of Pioneers from long ago and current prompted more and more spiritual thoughts and stories from girls and leaders alike.  It was a night to remember!  I love how the light of the campfire provides a perfect circle of comfort for us to share our thoughts and feelings.  I am grateful to have been a part of this experience for the girls of our ward. 


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