Easter Surprise

Our ultrasound revealed baby Graham's gender as MALE a few days before Easter.  I was able to keep a secret from my family.  They all knew we'd be having a "gender revealing announcement" at a family dinner on Easter Sunday.  Before dinner, Bjorn and I brought out the Easter basket we had prepared, full of plastic egg with blue jelly beans and "it's a boy" mints inside.

When everyone gathered each person had an egg to open at the appointed time.   Our out of state families joined in via video chat.  Everyone was excited (of course) and most were surprised at the announcement.  Some of us (yes, me)  really thought for some reason or another this was a girl.  But baby Graham definitely has boy parts.
Bjorn is thrilled. Really.  He wasn't too sure about this whole baby thing, but now knowing he's getting a son he is very excited.  I am just glad to have a healthy baby growing inside of me (2 of everything that matters and 4 heart chambers,  intestines on the inside.... lookin' good) and am getting excited to meet this special spirit.
Now to decide on a name......

I forgot to take pictures in the moment of our gender revealing party.... but here is a "somewhat-soon-after" reenactment, and a few things the Easter Bunny had left in the morning.


Lyles said...

I was so happy to see this! I wondered how it went. Such a cute idea! I love the names in m&m's too, what a fun tradition!

Shelly said...

Yea for boys! How fun to do a big reveal like that. So cute.

Katie & Travis Nemrow said...

Congrats!!! I'm so excited for you guys....Can't wait to tell Travis :)
Send me your address when you get a chance I want to send you a baby goodie bag. Babies are the greatest joy in the world...and Boys are a lot of fun!!!

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