
Gabriel says some of the funniest things lately! I am trying to record as many my prego brain can muster right now:

* Try again:  anytime something doesn't go right he says this. I love his optimism!  Sometimes it's "trying again mommy" when I can't find a parking spot, or "try again Gabriel" when he is throwing a ball across the room.

* Play Hide Seek:  whenevever I am looking for something and ask Gabe where it is he immediately responds "playhideseek".  Obviously the toy/tool/hair accessory/person is playing a game with me.

*Sounds Good:  He just started saying this to me. I think I must say it a lot.  He'll tell a story or sentence or listen to me say something and end with "soundgood"

*Dada fix it: In Gabe's mind Dada can fix ANYTHING.  When toys break, tools break, grocery bags break, fabric gets a rip or hole in it, he tells me dada fix it. And usually adds "when dada home from work"

*Mommy play with babies:  Bjorn taught Gabe that all I do at work is play with babies.  When am I at work he tells Bjorn "mommy play babies".    When I am putting on my scrubs for a night shift and he sees me he gets upset and says  "No Mommy play babies!" It makes it so hard to leave!

* fish crackers:  We really are good (in my opinion) about not watching much TV in our house. Bjorn and I don't even really watch TV.  So this is Gabe's only quote from a TV show.  He is fascinated and in love with Curious George.  There is a minor character on the show who every once in a while is given fish crackers and says "Fish Crackers!  Oooh  Ooooh Ooooh!".  One day I was I was talking about goldfish crackers and Gabriel piped up "oooooh  oooh ooooh".  Too funny. Now we say "fish crackers"  just to get him to say the rest.

* make mess: When he is by himself in another room and I ask him what he is doing he almost always quickly responds with:  "make mess".  At least he's honest.   Not sure if he understands exactly what it all means. But he knows he does it a lot.

*right behind you. When he is following me somewhere, or he wants me to follow him, this is his phrase.

* kiss all better.   Every bump or owie needs to be kissed by mom, right in the same spot it got hurt.

*take nap:  when he is sad about something  (toy taken, can't have ice cream, etc.) we ask him what is wrong and he says "take nap".  sometimes he will even put a pillow and blanket on the couch. He seems to know that naps make everything feel better!


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