All in a Days Work

ME: What baby foods should we try feeding her [8 month old patient]?
PATIENT'S MOM: do you have a mix? like sweet potatoes and corn?
PATIENT'S GRANDMA: That's disgusting!!!

I thought this was a hilarious conversation from the hospital today, thought it doesn't seem as funny now that I am writing it down. The joys of working with babies. I love it. This particular patient also threw up after we suctioned her, and the whole room smelled like banana baby food (her breakfast). So mom said no fruits for lunch.

I really got along with this particular mother today. It was so nice to just talk. We have a lot in common, though she has seven children! (And is not much older than me!) She liked to talk and I liked to take time away from my work and tasks to enjoy a friendly conversation and learn from her experiences. I do love the people I work with at the hospital. The Nurses, the Residents and attending doctors, the patients (of course), and their parents.


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