Pregnancy Milestones

21 weeks:  while on our trip to Boston and beyond I felt the little guy move on his own every now and then, without having to stop and search for the movement.  Also, Bjorn could feel him move for the first time.  Another milestone (for me) is that I actually looked pregnant!  In most everything I wore (check out the pictures to see what you think).  I even had random lady at the sweatshirt souvenior shop in Fallmouth comment on me being pregnant.  This was big progress. No one besides family had ever mentioned it.  This is important to me because I WANT to look pregnant and it's taken a long time to get to this point.

27 weeks: starting at this point I actually FEEL pregnant.  I began to experience a little bit of heartburn, and some braxton-hicks contractions.  I started to feel a little bit off balance.  Exercising is noticeably different.... carrying around a few extra pounds and all.   I finally convinced myself to try prenatal yoga since running didn't work so well.  I have been  hungry more often. Not all the time- but I can tell when he's going through a growth spurt!  I can sleep fairly well, though he has woken me up with kicking once or twice.

Here's a couple pix from our "backyard maternity photo shoot":

okay- you can't even see baby in this picture... but it's Bjorns favorite so  I said I'd put it up.
I think it's the way my eyes look.

Now I am officially in my third trimester!  Let the countdown begin!  Only 12 more weeks (hopefully) until we get to meet our little boy!


CLyle said...

Yay for 12 more weeks! And what darling pictures! You have the cutest baby bump!

Carol T. said...

Pictures! Hooray! You finally look pregnant, although you're still tiny! You look beautiful!

Robbie and Darcy said...

You look so cute! Thanks for sharing! I'm so excited for you...12 weeks will fly by!

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