Turtle rescue!

Gabe wanted to dress up as a turtle this year for Halloween. I mean, who wouldn't want to wear a green onesie, green pants, and a green paper plate taped to their front and back? It took some modifications- (good thing we had three Halloween events to attend) but his costume turned out intelligible.  (is that right word? meaning- you could tell what it was).

baby turtle eating his shell

look what I found!

family photo!

sad baby turtle

done for the day.  Yes, Gabe shared his spoils with us :)

this turtle was a little upset when his shell prevented him from rolling over when he wanted

To legitimately carry Gabriel everywhere Bjorn and I dressed up as turtle-rescuing-Hawaiian-snorkelers.  Surprisingly, the outfits were fairly comfortable and not too hot or cold. We had a great time at our ward carnival, a friends family party, and the ward trunk-r-treat.  Actually,  by the trunk-r-treat Gabe was done being a turtle.  (see attached photos).  This was the first trunk-r-treat I had ever attended.  And I can't say I'm a big fan**.  The cars are not only lined up.... they're practically touching! You barely have to walk one step to be handed yet another piece of candy.  Where's the adventure of ringing doorbells, walking in the dark, and learning to say trick-r-treat to strangers.  And then the bravery pays off with a load of candy.  I remember having to EARN that candy.   Kids these days have it too easy.

** disclaimer  yes, I understand about safety..... and concerns for crazy people....and whatever else may be out there. Yes, I get it.


Erin said...

Yeah but I agree with you about trunk or treat. Especially in Utah where most of the neighborhoods are do safe anyway, and most kids do a ward trunk or treat then turn around the next day and go in their neighborhood. Who needs that much candy? I would hope to have a trunk or treat only somewhere where you CAN'T trick or treat door to door.
Anyways, cute pics of that little turtle! He may be my new favorite sea creature.

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