That's right! We're starting a duck farm! It was decided that the rubber duck collection just wasn't quite enough, we're onto real ducklings now.
Just kidding. By REAL ducklings, we mean, real live offspring of "Duck" and Bjorn.
Yes. We're having a baby.
Duckie's Pregnancy FAQ's:
How far along are you? 18 weeks
How do you feel? super! (really! I do! there is a big difference between first and second trimester.... and 3rd I hear)
Is this the first grandchild? Yes.
Are they excited? Yes and I think so.
Are they excited? Yes and I think so.
Have you thought of any names? I've been dreaming up names since I was 7! The list is endless
Do you want a boy or a girl? a healthy one. I think a girl would be fun, but B can't imagine anything but a boy. We find out just before Easter!
When are you due? third week of August
How's the baby doing this week? uh....fine? He/she is "the size of a small grapefruit", and I like grapefruit!
Speaking of which.... can you still ski while pregnant? My answer (with OB approval) is YES. Until the baby bump arrives and starts to throw off balance, around 16 weeks. I skied my last mountain this season a couple weeks ago. Personally, I think the baby really likes to ski.
Any cravings or morning sickness? Just slight. probably an 8 in severity. On a scale of 2 to 20.
Mood swings? of course! My sweet husband is so good to put up with me! Just last week we watched Mr. Poppers Penguins and during the scene with baby penguins I suddenly wanted a baby penguin with all my heart! I almost cried they were so cute!! A not-so-happy example would be when I was just barely barley starting to show... but hadn't told many people. I couldn't decide if I wanted to wear clothes that made me look pregnant or not one evening (friends were coming over). I spent a half hour trying on outfits and asking how they made me look. My hubby finally realized the right answer to everything "you look beautiful honey" and hasn't stopped using it. :)
Congratulations!!! Ducks are so much fun. :)
Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!!
Congrats again!!! You're looking so cute!
The real question is... are you going to pick a name from that list of weird ones you've heard at the hospital? And the baby bump is so cute! I can't wait to see you with even more of one! You definitely have the pregnancy glow!
We are so excited for you guys! Congrats!!!
So cute! Very excited for you two! Can't wait to hear the gender! My name list is endless, too!
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